Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)

OSACThe Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) is a public/private sector organization affiliated with the US State Department.   Their mandate is to facilitate communication and serve as a liason with US-based organizations working abroad in the area of security.  They accomplish this primarily through providing information, training, and networking to member organizations.  The OSAC website and email newsletters provide reliable security information to the general public.  Registered (free) constituents may access even more information via the website.  The OSAC regularly offers security training seminars that focus of the various topics that affect their constituents.  Networking is provided through country councils, which are groups of US citizens representing their organizations who meet to discuss security matters.  They are hosted by the US Embassy and the regional security officer (RSO) is usually the contact.  The councils provide a good opportunity to network with other US companies and organizations in your country on the topic of security.